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What Is Equal Billing

What Is Equal Billing And How Can It Help You When Creating Your Monthly Budget?

What is Equal Billing?

How Equal Billing Can Help You with Your Monthly Budget

Equal billing is a budgeting method that involves dividing your fixed expenses equally over each month to ensure you can consistently pay your bills on time by avoiding unexpected spikes in expenses.

Equal billing can be set up for any expense, such as your mortgage or car payment, electricity bill, and more.

How Equal Billing Works:

Equal billing doesn't change the amount you pay each year for your expenses. Instead, it helps you avoid confusion and financial stress caused by inconsistent and often high bills that can happen throughout the year.

For example, your energy bill could be as high as several hundred dollars in the hot summer months and fall to as low as several dozen dollars in the spring and fall.

Instead of trying to budget for variable costs like utilities, with equal billing, you would divide the total estimated yearly cost by 12 to determine a set monthly payment.

Advantages of Equal Billing:

  • Easier budgeting
  • Lower risk of late payments and associated penalties
  • Reduced financial stress

Equal billing is a simple way to gain more control over your money, alleviate the stress associated with due dates, and can help you avoid overspending by making budgeting more predictable.

Disadvantages of Equal Billing:

  • Can be more expensive than paying the exact amount due
  • May not be an option for expenses with large seasonal fluctuations

If you have surplus funds set aside for high usage months, equal billing may be a better choice for you. However, if you are living paycheck to paycheck, you might not be able to afford to make the same payment in months when your energy usage is high.

Is Equal Billing Right for You?

Equal billing is helpful if you find yourself consistently overspending or are overwhelmed by varying monthly bills.

To learn more about equal billing, contact your service providers and request to set up a payment plan that works for you.

Source: NerdWallet
