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Target Language Compiler

The Target Language Compiler (TLC): Generating Optimized Code from Models

Introducing the Target Language Compiler

The Target Language Compiler (TLC) is a powerful tool designed to convert model description files (modelrtw or similar) into target-specific code or text. With TLC, users gain unparalleled flexibility and control over the generated code, enabling them to optimize and enhance it for specific requirements.

Customizing Code Generation

TLC allows users to customize the set of options specified by their system target file. This enables them to tailor the generated code to their specific needs. Additionally, TLC allows for inlining the code for S-Function blocks, providing further flexibility in code generation.

Script-Based Control

Users control how code is generated from models primarily through writing or modifying scripts. These scripts employ TLC directives and built-in functions to specify code generation instructions. This script-based approach grants developers the freedom to alter, optimize, and enhance the generated code to meet their unique requirements.

S-Function Inlining Feature

One of the most notable features of TLC is its ability to inline S-Function blocks. This feature allows users to embed the code for these blocks directly into the generated code, eliminating the need for separate function calls. This optimization can significantly improve code performance and reduce code complexity.

Availability and Updates

The Target Language Compiler has been available since May 1997 and has undergone several updates over the years. The latest version, 41 Release, was released in April 2001 and is available online.
